As the middle of November will be on the Friday the 15th, it is a reminder that our area churches and the community centers will be hosting their annual harvest meals in the neighborhoods surrounding our hamlet of Hurricane located in the Hill Country as our region of North Mississippi is known. Before the northern industries came to the counties, it was strictly life lived on the local farmsteads. Today, our own countryside in the Mud Creek region borders a tri-county area extending from the flatwoods of the farming in the bottomlands to the sandy hillsides that have a mixture of the softwood and of the hardwood forests interspersed with farm fields that still reflects a rural region that encompasses our own community. It’s that time of year that beckons to our “kith” and “kin” that you can come home for Thanksgiving as the season extends our best hospitality and our gratitude for the blessings of our American way of life in the Deep South.
Nora Creed Lynch, a seventh grade student at Oxford Middle School, was a cast member in the junior high musical “Shrek” presented by the Oxford Middle School Theatre in conjunction with the Ole Miss Theatre. Attending the performance on November 7 were the following: Lynn and Nellie Robbins, Addie Faust and Onice Carter. This is Nora’s second year to be a cast member of the productions of the theatre department as she performed in “Mary Poppins” last year. Also as an elementary student, Nora co-hosted a segment for The Thacker Mountain Radio Show in Oxford.