Sunny side up

The African violets setting on the window seat in the room where my “mini” home office is located are beautiful. The leaves look as if they are green velvet and the purple blooms that peek out from among those dark green leaves and stems are magnificent. It is amazing that I, who managed to kill a cactus once upon a time, have these lovely house plants. I inherited them from my mama. She could (and did) grow anything.

Our yard was always in full bloom with flowers beds dotted here and there. We had a chinaberry tree in our side yard whose humble appearance was made enchantingly lovely by all the caladiums, elephant ears, cock’s combs, and gladioli that Mom planted around the tree as soon as winter was over. They grew and shared their beauty until the first frost. Mom would dig up the bulbs and make sure the rich dirt around the tree was in good shape for the bulbs and new plants to be put out when spring once again came calling. She loved the feel of dirt and nothing excited her more than watching plants grow.


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