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My favorite meal: Barbecue chicken delivers saucy euphoria

Q-Bones BBQ

 Ben Wilson of Memphis-based professional barbecue team Q-Bones BBQ carefully chooses the best pieces of chicken from among those he's prepared for judging in the 2014 Stand By Your Grill BBQ Championship in Fulton, Miss.

Until the summer of 2014, it never really occurred to me that food could change your life.

At the time, I was a reporter for the Itawamba County Times in Fulton, Mississippi, and I was covering the Stand By Your Grill BBQ Championship at Whitten Park, a spacious, shaded campground on the edge of the Tenn-Tom Waterway. Although the event was short-lived, for a few days each summer, dozens of professional cooking teams would gather at the campgrounds to pit their recipes against those of some of the South’s finest backyard chefs. The scent of roasting pork and chicken would fill the air for days.

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