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Since the chaos of election season has ended, and we’ve stopped receiving daily text messages asking us to contribute a few dollars to our fav…

There is a reason the Founders wrote Article 2, section 2 and clause 2 into the U.S. Constitution. They gave power to the president to nominat…

As Thanksgiving approaches, we would do well to reflect on we are grateful for, instead of on how much we would like to murder our relatives f…

It was fitting that Americans celebrated this year’s Veterans Day less than a week after holding national elections. Without the sacrifices ma…

One of the great benefits of streaming TV is that I’m able to watch old network shows that I enjoyed while growing up in the 1970s.

The American people have just voted for change. They elected a new party to the White House and U.S. Senate, which both went to Republicans. A…

When he was told he had only weeks to live, his response was telling. He was calm and at peace. At 82, he told his children, he had lived much…

I probably hadn’t seen Frank Capra’s “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” before launching my crusade 50 years ago, but the idea “lost causes are th…

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